Welcome to the digital domain of me, BASILHEART, your witty and whimsical host! This blog is my virtual sanctuary—a place where sophistication meets snark, and where the curse of Sweetheart's necklace adds an intriguing twist to my daily musings.

Well, fancy seeing you here my dear! I see you must've found your way here from the Our Thoughts Will Follow site, right? Well, My name is Basilheart. Welcome to my website<3. I'm so glad you wanted to know all about me.Go on! Click the links below!

Note: Basilheart is basically an omori: our thoughts will follow "DLC". An alternative route where it's if Sweetheart's (or Ultraheart's) cursed necklace latches onto his neck on accident. he then transforms into "Basilheart". He is a mix of his own personality, a pinch of Sweetheart's , and he's pretty snippy and cold at times, but also seen to be a talented gentleman. However, he is not Sweetheart, he's still just his own person. He, as a character, is technically canon.. He was intended to be a bonus boss!


My name is Basilheart. While formerly acknowledged as Basil Rowan Monet, such distinctions have become inconsequential. The name Basilheart now encapsulates both my domain and my essence. There is no necessity to retain the name "Sweetheart's Castle"; I have since assumed responsibility for its stewardship. Rest assured, the previous ruler of the castle has been duly attended to. Hehe.
٩( 'ω' )و

Performing and acting, singing, having my photos taken/being a muse, strawberry cake, sweets, bunnies, being in control of things, stargazing
Arrogance, rude individuals, anyone who interrupts me, being overlooked, losing control, disorganization.

AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5'10
(6'2 in my favorite boots.. <3)
FLIRT ★★★★★
MEAN ★★★☆☆
HEALTH ★★☆☆☆
COMBAT ★★★★☆
SCARY ★★★☆☆

Note: BASILHEART'S VOICE: I'd say it's lower-pitched and smoother than how Basil / Basil's VA, Ivis, speaks in Our Thoughts Will Follow. A part of me wanted to even give him an overly-obnoxious British accent, but probably not lol.

Basilheart: Possessed? Please. I'm perfectly fine, my dear. What makes you think that?"Your.. necklace. Isn't that Sweetheart's? Doesn't it hurt you??"Basilheart: Hm. Correct, but I'm not in any pain. Infact, I believe living this way is far more appealing~!"...?"
You notice that the necklace may be too tight. His neck is all bruised. How is he even breathing?
Basilheart: Now, let me continue!


SUNNYI hear my old friends are looking for a young man named "Sunny". I faintly remember him, though I don't quite remember our connection. From what I've overheard, he seems rather.. cute, I suppose.
I do think I remember his face. He was cute.
.. Don't tell anyone I said that, I cannot fathom the thought of my fans and followers knowing I have a crush. How embarrassing, me, Basilheart, feeling weak in the knees over someone? Ridiculous.AUBREY
I recall her. We used to live together before I resided here. We've had plenty of silly sleepovers, watching movies together - both good and awful. You know.. as I got older, the old me was frightened to share a bed with a girl, or rather anyone to be frank. I don't know, something in me just changed one day, I suppose. Ohohoho~! Admittedly, I don't have anything bad to say towards her, though, she can have quite the attitude... ^ x ^ But quite the pretty bunny she is.

KEL AND HEROThe brothers, yes. Also two old friends of mine. Hm, you know, despite me naming this section the "Gossip Corner", I do love everyone listed here so far. Kel is quite the energetic type, while Hero is more calm. Both are lovely fellas. Kel has latched onto me for quite some time, especially after..Hm.OMORI
..Ohhhh, hehe. Yes, that bratty child. Please, he is not worth my time. I have better things to do in my castle than deal with his foolishness.
I don't recall who this is.
We don't talk about her anymore! She tried to marry me ages ago, how foolish of her thinking someone like me was interested? >:/ Hope you don't mind if I snatch up your castle~!

Hey! Where'd you find this?! Did you record it or something?
This didn't happen! Shut up!!

(Read left to right) + 2 bonus doodles


Q: Do you prefer silver or gold jewelry?
A: I've always been more of a silver person. <3
Q: Do you ever miss being just Basil?
A: Not really! I'm happy. I feel like I can express myself better this way! Even if others disagree, Heheeheee!
Q: Do you ever miss Sunny? Did you.. stop searching for him?
A: Something tells me that this really was someone deeply important to me. Maybe, one day, I'll try to find him again.
Q: Are you British? Do you have a heavy British accent?
A: Haha, British accent?? Wherever did you get that from? x_x My family originates from Norway and France, so that's what I am. But I am also American.
Q: Do you own any pretty weapons? >:)
A: I have an inventory, yes! They're all silver and pink. They range from swords, axes, ball and chains, and pistols. So, try not to cross me.
Q: Favorite color?
A: I love a good hot pink. Or maybe a soft, pastel pink.
Q: What's a song you really like?
A: Paparazzi by Lady Gaga is a classic.
Q: Have dinner with me!!! Please, please, please!!!!
A: No! <3
Q: What's a comfort food?
A: Oooh.. I think tarte aux fraises. ^ 3 ^
Q: Do you use emojis when you text?
A: I tend to use emoticons more. Like these: ( ´꒳`∗), (✿◠‿◠), ★ ♡ ♥︎
Idk, I feel like these look ugly. 😒🙂↔️
Q: Do you have any sort of texting quirk?
A: Hmm,
→ i tend to text like this
u know, like
heeeyyy~ ♡︎ how are u?
Does that make sense, love? Lol.Q: Cool, cool. Can I get your number?
A: No, but maybe if you come to my show :)
Q: Have you and Sunny ever kissed?
A: ..Wait, huh?
Q: Would you consider yourself a heavy romantic? A loverboy?
A: Ah, for sure.
Q: How do I tell my crush that I like them?
A: Write a passionate love letter describing your burning desire for them! At least that's what I would do~!
..Did you just send ME a love letter..??Alright, that's enough questions.

EGGSOUPERY QUESTIONSQ: Why was Basilheart scrapped from the main story?
A: It mainly has to do with the formatting of my story. I kind of want it to be a straight through story. If this was an actual VN, I'd give you the option to go down the Basilheart bonus route. Maybe one day I'll make a bonus chapter for him!
Q: Who's he inspired by?
A: Grell Sutcliff, Argenti, Kafka.. etc.
Q: What were the original concepts for Basilheart?
A: He was intended to be a bonus boss fight and have a mini side story. He was supposed to be able to hypnotize people with his singing. Originally he was gonna hypnotize Kel and Hero, with only Aubrey left to stop him.
Q: Why is Basilheart's necklace so tight?
A: It actually has a meaning behind it, acting like a noose around his neck similar to Mari. Eventually, the necklace would suffocate him, but he ignores it!
Q: Will you ever bring Basilheart to your Youtube channel?
A: Yes, I wanna eventually lol. I still love him as a character. At the end of the day, he's still an existing AU character!
Q: Is Basilheart Sweetheart?
A: Nope! He's his own person, but I'd say he has Sweetheart's snarkiness. He's not necessarily a protagonist or anything, infact, he will probably stab you if you say the wrong thing.
Q: What's a fun fact about Basilheart?
A: He was originally supposed to have light pink highlights instead of teal! I scrapped that because I thought "How would he dye his hair pink so fast".
Q: Any other facts?
- He's written as ditsy and flirty but he's actually incredibly strong. The necklace buffs him a bit, so he could do some serious damage. I'd say if he had a special/ultimate attack, it would look like Kafka's from Honkai Star Rail.
- He can be kind of selfish.
- He likes matching pajama sets.
- He loves jewelry and accessories. He finds joy in accessorizing himself.
- He's bisexual and genderfluid.
- Snatching Sweetheart's Castle technically made him rich.
- He probably owns a luxury car in this form, like a silver Mercedes-Benz.
Q: Did you make that Basilheart bot on CAI?
A: Yes, lol mostly as a joke but he became quite popular I guess.